What is "FT"?


FT stands for French total. This means fellatio without a condom (with the sperm being taken into the mouth).

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The term "FT" explained

"Fellatio" is the scientific term for oral satisfaction of a man's penis. When fellatio is practiced without a condom, it means that the partner's mouth makes direct contact with the penis without using a condom as a barrier.

It is important to know that fellatio without a condom can increase the risk of sexual transmission of infections. STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV can be transmitted through unprotected oral sex.

A condom can be an effective way to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). By creating a barrier between the mouth and the penis, the condom prevents direct contact with bodily fluids that could potentially be infectious.

If both partners or partners are STI-free and in a monogamous relationship, they can decide together to forgo condoms. However, it is important to have prior discussions about STI testing and the use of other contraceptive methods to ensure a higher level of safety.

In addition, it may be useful to have regular STI testing to ensure that both partners or partners are healthy and have not transmitted any infections

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