What is "Tantra"?


A philosophical and spiritual tradition that views sexual energy as a source of spiritual growth and enlightenment. Tantric practices include breathing techniques, meditation, sensual touch, and sexual union to create a deeper connection between body, mind, and spirit.

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The term "Tantra" explained

Tantra is an ancient spiritual philosophy and practice that originated in India. It is a profound system that incorporates both spiritual and sexual elements and aims to create a harmonious connection between body, mind and spirit. In modern times, Tantra has also become known as a sexual practice, focusing on conscious intimacy and sexual ecstasy.

Tantric sexuality is fundamentally different from conventional sexual encounters, as it is more focused on mindfulness and surrender. The main goal is to experience physical union as a spiritual experience and to use pleasure as a gateway to higher levels of consciousness. In this practice, the focus is on the loving connection between the partners, where they connect with each other in a state of trust and openness.

An important aspect of tantric sex is slowing down the act and creating intense sensations through conscious breathing and focusing on the present. The sexual energy, usually discharged in a brief moment of gratification, is instead seen as a source of life force that nourishes and awakens the entire being.

Although the sexual dimension is important in Tantra, this practice also emphasizes the importance of the individual as a whole. It is about integrating body, mind and spirit and using sexual energy as a tool for self-discovery and self-knowledge. By acknowledging the duality of male and female energies and bringing them into harmony, one can come to a deeper understanding of one's own personality.

Tantra also encourages overcoming social taboos and sexual blockages. Through a conscious journey of discovery into one's own sexuality, one can let go of old patterns and experience profound transformations.

It is important to note that tantric sexuality does not necessarily involve orgasms or physical satisfaction. Rather, the focus is on expanding and deepening one's overall sexual experience in order to gain spiritual insight and inner fulfillment.

Overall, the Tantric understanding of sex and intimacy emphasizes the importance of awareness, surrender, and deep trust between partners. It is not a practice that seeks superficial gratification, but rather a spiritual journey of self-knowledge and connection with a loved one.

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