Vanessa | Kuala Lumpur

About me

Size:166 cm
Weight:50 kg
Bust:E, natur
Typ:eastern european
Hair:blond, back long
Languages:English, French, Italian

About Vanessa

What a glorious ray of sunshine! This sophisticated and elegant Libra beauty is indeed lovely, lively company. With her soft, rich voice, melodious confidence, and pure heart, V has a regal yet approachable aura while always remaining humble and polite. Ava is well-traveled, has a wonderful, classy vibe and an understated, exciting aura that is calm on the surface and bursting with sunshine on the inside. She is talkative, but also a good listener. She is educated and successful, works in media and sales and loves people with all her heart.

My service


Sex + fellatio 60 minutes500 EUR

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